Thursday, June 20, 2024

June 17: Visualization and AI Overview

 Data Visualization

This data visualization activity was a Python code that created a model of the planets. It made them circular, gave them nametags, gave them a color, and oriented them in-scale with how far away they are in relation to the sun. 

I was able to change the planets from their original blue color to green, and I messed with their size to make them larger. Then I played with the scale so that some planets would overlap less. By doing this, I learned that data visualization can be tinkered with in order to maximize the readability of the data being presented.

Learning About AI - Titanic

AI, by definition, is artificial intelligence. They are programs that are able to learn and can be trained by absorbing data, and they use this information to complete tasks. Some give straight answers, but others can be made into algorithms that can predict outcomes by looking at the data. In the situation of the Titanic, my group predicted who would survive by looking at their social status, gender, and age. The higher the social status, the more likely they survived. This also goes for females surviving more than males, and younger people surviving more than older people. When I coded my Titanic predictions, they were fairly accurate given the information that I gave the computer from the tutorial. I learned that we could use AI to do the same kind of figuring that human minds can do, but faster and more informed.

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